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Where Are They Now: Jim Van Fleet, Ignite Charlotte 1 & 2

Jim Van Fleet has been a first for Ignite Charlotte: he is one of the only ones who has spoken at more than one Ignite Charlotte series! His first talk was about “Startup Culture in Charlotte“, and his second lap involved the talk, “What is the Cloud“.

After his second Ignite Charlotte talk, Jim jumped onboard with OtherScreen, a mobile startup in Charlotte, and a company that won an NC IDEA grant. He is part of the operating team as its chief technology officer.

Also, he has started a newsletter, one that he said has doubled in size in only six months. Feel free to sign up for his newsletter here.

Ignite Charlotte has helped him branch out of his network of developers and programmers. He also has had the opportunity to represent his tech community around Charlotte, including the Charlotte Chamber.

And, get this – at Ignite Charlotte 1 he met fellow speaker Andrew Gertig, who spoke about mobile phones and technology. Now they are co-workers at OtherScreen. Cool stuff.

Thanks Jim for not only standing in front of your peers once, but twice! Good luck on your ventures!