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Talks Revealed: Ignite Charlotte 3

The following talks have been selected for Ignite Charlotte 3 and speakers are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
Chestnuts & Nanocycles: The Rhythm of Feedback
Denny Abraham @dennyabraham
A Laugh a Day…
Greg Bartos @theGagency
How to Turn a Bad Date Into a Good Date
Matt Charron @businessmanwlks
The Passion of Latin American Boleros
Ana Lucia Divins @annadivins
Your Office Chair is Killing You
Adam Howell @how
Your Digital Shadow        
Genevieve Jooste @genevievejooste
The Accomplishment Culture
Marion Spears Karr @karrcomedy
Designers Taking Action: Help Communities in Need
Scott Lagueux @slagueux
Zach McNabb
You Are Not Creative, Deal With It!
Jim Mitchem @jmitchem
Like Your Spacephone? Things Are Only Now About to Get Weird
Josh Oakhurst @joshoakhurst
Public-Key Cryptography
Peter Squicciarini @twoseventythree
Bringing Up Green Baby
Megan Van Fleet @meganv
Who Dares, Wins: Misevaluation of Risk in Modern Culture
Max Wallace @wmaxwallace
Micro-fame:  Navigating Pleasures & Pitfalls of Instant Success in a Life Lived at “Internet Speed”
Douglas A. Welton

How Much Does a Polar Bear Weigh?

Post written by: Dwayne Waite, Jr., JDW: The Charlotte Agency

Answer: Enough to Break The Ice.

That’s right Charlotte, for Ignite Charlotte 2 we are going to have an Icebreaker contest! Our Ice Breaker Coordinators, Joel Bonasera and Josh Mauldin (as announced on Facebook) are working diligently to make sure this contest is a great experience.

What is the Icebreaker contest? Can’t tell you. But we can tell you this-

Participants will work in teams to create something from… something else. What we can say is that there is a heavy emphasis on problem solving and creative expression with a global tint. Participants will be divided into teams, and while each team will have a specific goal, all teams will be working on a similar project.

Space will be limited to the first 36 people to join the activity.

Will there be a prize? Absolutely! We at Ignite Charlotte want to award creativity. Those that do not participate in the activity will be judges, and the winners will be decided by popular vote.

is the supporting sponsor of the Ignite Charlotte 2 Icebreaker contest.

So what are you waiting for? Go and RSVP for Ignite Charlotte and respond to the Icebreaker contest question!